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Subscribe to Elphel CVS logs feed
Combined CVS commit logs for the files of the Elphel projects .
Updated: 14 min 47 sec ago

[fpga] By elphel: added synchronization requirements/means of the input data

Wed, 11/03/2004 - 22:44
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project fpga CVS:
added synchronization requirements/means of the input data

[fpga] By elphel: cleaned up, added resource usage statistics

Wed, 11/03/2004 - 22:43
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project fpga CVS:
cleaned up, added resource usage statistics

[fpga] By elphel: note about synchronization of the input data

Wed, 11/03/2004 - 22:41
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project fpga CVS:
note about synchronization of the input data

[fpga] By elphel: original release

Wed, 11/03/2004 - 22:40
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project fpga CVS:
original release

[fpga] By elphel: First version of forward DCT following algorithm suggested in Theora specs.

Sun, 10/31/2004 - 23:13
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project fpga CVS:
First version of forward DCT following algorithm suggested in Theora specs.

[fpga] By elphel: changed copyright, renamed variables

Sun, 10/31/2004 - 23:12
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project fpga CVS:
changed copyright, renamed variables

[fpga] By elphel: Initial rev. of 2-D inverse DCT

Fri, 10/29/2004 - 00:53
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project fpga CVS:
Initial rev. of 2-D inverse DCT

[fpga] By elphel: Fixed some bugs during simulation

Fri, 10/29/2004 - 00:53
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project fpga CVS:
Fixed some bugs during simulation

[fpga] By elphel: First version of 1d idct designed to Theora specs. Uses 1 multiplier and 250 slices, can run at 13 ns/pixel (6.5ns/clock_period) that should be twice the pixel rate.

Wed, 10/27/2004 - 01:21
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project fpga CVS:
First version of 1d idct designed to Theora specs. Uses 1 multiplier and 250 slices, can run at 13 ns/pixel (6.5ns/clock_period) that should be twice the pixel rate.

[fpga] By elphel: initial version

Tue, 10/19/2004 - 23:46
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project fpga CVS:
initial version
