Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
13 Dec 03:29
Tested other reference (FPN mitigation) with initial orientation
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
12 Dec 17:55
Updated initial orientation, started refining position
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
11 Dec 18:01
Better pixel offset estimation
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
09 Dec 09:14
bug fix in readjust
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
09 Dec 03:27
Started with scene sequence overlap
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
09 Dec 03:27
Fixed NaN when rendering with zero Motion Blur
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
07 Dec 22:28
Linear output for GRAY32 GEO output, UM for ARGB (slow fillNaNs)
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
07 Dec 03:52
Recording geo-tagged float Tiff
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
06 Dec 20:45
More on output of geolocated TIFFs with transparency
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
06 Dec 02:00
Tiff writer, fixed bug in Z interpolation in plane render
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
04 Dec 22:36
Exported GPS and resolution OK
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
04 Dec 08:12
Trying to get GPS data
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
01 Dec 06:36
Added attitude correction from IMS to camera by images
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
30 Nov 03:13
Initial ERS from IMS
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
28 Nov 05:33
Debugging, IMU-ERS
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
12 Nov 22:08
disabling SfM if there is not much movement
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
12 Nov 22:07
Fixing hardware problems on channel5
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
12 Nov 22:06
testing did is sane
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
12 Nov 22:05
testing if did is sane
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
12 Nov 22:04
bug fix