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Updated: 26 min 18 sec ago

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Tue, 10/24/2023 - 00:25
Andrey Filippov (b4b58042) at 24 Oct 06:25 Fixed dsi_main to inter-intra-lma difference with disparity offset ...

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Sun, 10/22/2023 - 14:36
Andrey Filippov (96562ce2) at 22 Oct 20:36 Next snapshot, debugging

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Fri, 10/20/2023 - 21:41
Andrey Filippov (019655f7) at 21 Oct 03:41 Parallel projection, not yet done with center projection bounds wit...

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Wed, 10/18/2023 - 21:26
Andrey Filippov (8b5bd41b) at 19 Oct 03:26 Updated/tested with center reference

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Mon, 10/16/2023 - 13:08
Andrey Filippov (a095795c) at 16 Oct 19:08 minor cleanup

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Mon, 10/16/2023 - 00:13
Andrey Filippov (96ea490a) at 16 Oct 06:13 fixing for scene==ref_scene

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Sun, 10/15/2023 - 23:15
Andrey Filippov (3430abee) at 16 Oct 05:15 Cleaning up SfM

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Sun, 10/15/2023 - 12:38
Andrey Filippov (e61d71b1) at 15 Oct 18:38 First SfM tests - 0.05m from 75m AGL

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Fri, 10/13/2023 - 23:07
Andrey Filippov (b3dc65da) at 14 Oct 05:07 refactoring, resting sfm low-level

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Mon, 10/09/2023 - 11:05
Andrey Filippov (d693f718) at 09 Oct 17:05 added East-North-Up that better matches camera orientation. Tested

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Sun, 10/08/2023 - 18:25
Andrey Filippov (4d5b60b2) at 09 Oct 00:25 Created Interscene class, moved there s from OpticalFlow

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Sun, 10/08/2023 - 17:39
Andrey Filippov (21b8905c) at 08 Oct 23:39 Before interscene refactoring

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Sun, 10/08/2023 - 11:39
Andrey Filippov (b9a32b13) at 08 Oct 17:39 Improved DID_INS_* interpolation by local correction of ts_master t...

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Sat, 10/07/2023 - 11:05
Andrey Filippov (2b8ae048) at 07 Oct 17:05 Before updating IMS interpolation

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Thu, 09/28/2023 - 22:57
Andrey Filippov (726f4add) at 29 Sep 04:57 IMS interpolation ... and 2 more commits

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Tue, 09/26/2023 - 22:04
Andrey Filippov (1e2d8ada) at 27 Sep 04:04 First run of TD neighbors

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Sat, 09/23/2023 - 20:26
Andrey Filippov (8623329f) at 24 Sep 02:26 started TD neighbors

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Fri, 09/15/2023 - 11:03
Andrey Filippov (aec8ae98) at 15 Sep 17:03 Added neibs_nofpn_init - separate averaging control for initial pose

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Sat, 09/09/2023 - 15:42
Andrey Filippov (bd27e7b0) at 09 Sep 21:42 Implemented combining of the interscene 2D correlations amon tile and

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Fri, 09/08/2023 - 11:34
Andrey Filippov (af9b88ff) at 08 Sep 17:34 Implemented configurable parameters for ground plane rendering. Added
