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Updated: 11 min 1 sec ago

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Thu, 09/07/2023 - 00:07
Andrey Filippov (4e3cc252) at 07 Sep 06:07 Added testing for local max ... and 2 more commits

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Wed, 08/30/2023 - 13:26
Andrey Filippov (849b916d) at 30 Aug 19:26 added imagej macros ... and 1 more commit

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Mon, 08/28/2023 - 05:42
Andrey Filippov (151ea276) at 28 Aug 11:42 Minor changes here and there during program use/debugging ... and 1 more commit

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Thu, 08/17/2023 - 01:54
Andrey Filippov (bdb4ff93) at 17 Aug 07:54 Implemented ground plane extraction (so far hard-coded parameters) and

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Mon, 08/14/2023 - 13:54
Andrey Filippov (9d1a83ef) at 14 Aug 19:54 added limits on zoom change, multi-color preview images - working s...

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16-dbg1 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Sat, 08/12/2023 - 13:24
Andrey Filippov (eefd4f7e) at 12 Aug 19:24 same bug revealed with updated imageJ as in lwir16 branch - added e...

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Sat, 08/12/2023 - 13:20
Andrey Filippov (97109dcb) at 12 Aug 19:20 second place of the same bug

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Sat, 08/12/2023 - 13:14
Andrey Filippov (00d0fae7) at 12 Aug 19:14 upgraded imagej and added explicit .convertToColorProcessor() before

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Sat, 08/12/2023 - 12:25
Andrey Filippov (7180569b) at 12 Aug 18:25

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Sat, 08/12/2023 - 12:19
Andrey Filippov (5fa4c7e6) at 12 Aug 18:19 Revert "Revert "Debugging will keep this (broken) branch"" ... and 2 more commits

Andrey Filippov pushed new project branch lwir16-dbg1 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Sat, 08/12/2023 - 12:06
Andrey Filippov (b0be9975) at 12 Aug 18:06 Debugging will keep this (broken) branch ... and 399 more commits

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Fri, 08/11/2023 - 22:50
Andrey Filippov (54c5427a) at 12 Aug 04:50 Added rendering flat field - did not help

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Fri, 08/11/2023 - 08:45
Andrey Filippov (7180569b) at 11 Aug 14:45 Before textures artefacts correction

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Mon, 08/07/2023 - 11:27
Andrey Filippov (38b6b0d7) at 07 Aug 17:27 Improved splitting sequences

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel

Mon, 08/07/2023 - 03:08
Andrey Filippov (f7907c7d) at 07 Aug 09:08 Working on the image sequences captured from the UAS

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch master at Elphel / elphel-tools-x393

Wed, 08/02/2023 - 02:47
Andrey Filippov (dccc15bf) at 02 Aug 08:47 fixed partition name when using LAN (not mounting partition locally)

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch master at Elphel / elphel-tools-x393

Wed, 08/02/2023 - 01:48
Andrey Filippov (2a6df399) at 02 Aug 07:48 implemented LAN xfer with new version of imgsrv

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch rocko at Elphel / elphel-apps-imgsrv

Tue, 08/01/2023 - 23:12
Andrey Filippov (e0d4b063) at 02 Aug 05:12 Added sendvile64() limit of 620756992 (0x25000000) bytes failed and...

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch rocko at Elphel / elphel-init

Tue, 08/01/2023 - 14:16
Andrey Filippov (b2a130ec) at 01 Aug 20:16 added imgsrv parameters: '-s /dev/sda2' for fast sending raw ssd da...

Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch rocko at Elphel / elphel-apps-imgsrv

Tue, 08/01/2023 - 14:14
Andrey Filippov (6190b834) at 01 Aug 20:14 implemented ssd raw data sending
