Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
12 May 01:50
Optimizing pairs generation
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
07 May 00:22
Implemented configurable parameters for global matching of affines and
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
02 May 04:54
Tested LMA equalization, some bug fixes
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
30 Apr 04:01
Pairwise equalization
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
29 Apr 19:41
Equalizing intensities
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
26 Apr 22:46
Fixing bugs, making OrthoMultiLMA run
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
24 Apr 05:34
Debugging OrthoMultiLMA
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
23 Apr 15:58
tested derivative for the OrthoMultiLMA
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
21 Apr 19:07
Automatic matching of multiple scene sets
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
17 Apr 04:58
Improving matching stability, added parameters
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
15 Apr 23:41
fixed incorrect combining of the affine transformation and the
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
15 Apr 01:50
improving matching from the center to mitigate scale/rotations
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
14 Apr 18:05
Fixed affine inversion
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
12 Apr 03:17
When matching a pair of image rotation is around the center of
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
11 Apr 23:22
Generating combined results table
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
11 Apr 06:47
Added bicubic interpolation
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
10 Apr 18:49
Improved reporting/logging results
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
09 Apr 01:50
Implementing scene high frequency decay calculation/reporting
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
07 Apr 21:53
Cleaned up/implemented generation of the scene stats and combo images
Andrey Filippov pushed to project branch lwir16 at Elphel / imagej-elphel
Andrey Filippov
05 Apr 20:30
Cleaned up pattern matching, implemented re-centering for correlati...