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Subscribe to Elphel CVS logs feed
Combined CVS commit logs for the files of the Elphel projects .
Updated: 38 min 58 sec ago

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: added /var/log/autocampars_boot.log

Mon, 08/16/2010 - 11:06
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:
added /var/log/autocampars_boot.log

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: restore reporting 10359 in /var/state/ctype

Mon, 08/16/2010 - 11:05
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:
restore reporting 10359 in /var/state/ctype

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: added sync_othrer2this.php

Sat, 08/14/2010 - 15:36
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:
added sync_othrer2this.php

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: added "nocorrect" option (just show frame numbers)

Sat, 08/14/2010 - 15:35
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:
added "nocorrect" option (just show frame numbers)

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: Added sync_other2this - synchronizing frame numbers in otherwise synchronized camera (eyesis)

Sat, 08/14/2010 - 14:44
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:
Added sync_other2this - synchronizing frame numbers in otherwise synchronized camera (eyesis)

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: modified 10359 FPGA code to prevent sensor from (sometimes) locking at 180-degree shifted clock.

Fri, 08/13/2010 - 13:08
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS: modified 10359 FPGA code to prevent sensor from (sometimes) locking at 180-degree shifted clock.

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: fixed autoexposure window settings in Eyesis mode

Fri, 08/13/2010 - 13:07
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:
fixed autoexposure window settings in Eyesis mode

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: added

Fri, 08/13/2010 - 13:06
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: default MDI is set to "dmi" fror the new cameras. That change will not influece refalshed ones - network setting are preseved through reflash process

Fri, 08/13/2010 - 13:05
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:
default MDI is set to "dmi" fror the new cameras. That change will not influece refalshed ones - network setting are preseved through reflash process

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: added MDI mode set utility, setting MDI to "mdi" (from "auto") increases stability

Fri, 08/13/2010 - 13:04
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:
added MDI mode set utility, setting MDI to "mdi" (from "auto") increases stability

[elphel353-8.0] By dzhimiev: 1. +unmount all...

Thu, 08/12/2010 - 20:46
dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:
1. +unmount all 2. +prefix manual set 3. - autoexp_on=0

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: added archive

Thu, 08/12/2010 - 15:16
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:
added archive

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: - fixed broken (and

Thu, 08/12/2010 - 14:05
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS: - fixed broken (and

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: added sync in the end (first boot after reflash writes to flash without syncing)

Thu, 08/12/2010 - 14:05
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:
added sync in the end (first boot after reflash writes to flash without syncing)

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: restored initial autoexposure window (was accidentally wrong)

Thu, 08/12/2010 - 14:04
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:
restored initial autoexposure window (was accidentally wrong)

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: resolved race between individual and multi_ flips at startup

Thu, 08/12/2010 - 14:03
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:
resolved race between individual and multi_ flips at startup

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: Fixed SDRAM phase adjust (was not critical as phase was still set in the acceptable range

Thu, 08/12/2010 - 00:02
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:
Fixed SDRAM phase adjust (was not critical as phase was still set in the acceptable range

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: bug fix: was creating temporary files identifying camera type/applications only when creating default /etc/autocampars.xml

Thu, 08/12/2010 - 00:00
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:
bug fix: was creating temporary files identifying camera type/applications only when creating default /etc/autocampars.xml

[elphel353-8.0] By elphel: new file added

Wed, 08/11/2010 - 17:44
elphel committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:
new file added

[elphel353-8.0] By dzhimiev: 1. the images list corrected once more

Wed, 08/11/2010 - 17:14
dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel project elphel353-8.0 CVS:
1. the images list corrected once more
