05/29/19 [imagej-elphel][gpu] by AndreyFilippov: working on calculating grids for low frequency pattern
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
working on calculating grids for low frequency pattern
working on calculating grids for low frequency pattern
05/25/19 [imagej-elphel][] by AndreyFilippov: merged with lwir branch
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
merged with lwir branch
merged with lwir branch
05/25/19 [imagej-elphel][gpu] by AndreyFilippov: post-merge corrections
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
post-merge corrections
post-merge corrections
05/25/19 [imagej-elphel][gpu] by AndreyFilippov: merging with master
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
merging with master
merging with master
05/25/19 [imagej-elphel][] by AndreyFilippov: more to ignore
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
more to ignore
more to ignore
05/24/19 [imagej-elphel][gpu] by Andrey Filippov: fixing null lwirReader
Andrey Filippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
fixing null lwirReader
fixing null lwirReader
05/23/19 [imagej-elphel][gpu] by AndreyFilippov: typo
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
05/23/19 [imagej-elphel][gpu] by AndreyFilippov: Set default directory, averaging to multithreaded
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Set default directory, averaging to multithreaded
Set default directory, averaging to multithreaded
05/23/19 [imagej-elphel][gpu] by AndreyFilippov: preparing for the goniometer with LWIR
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
preparing for the goniometer with LWIR
preparing for the goniometer with LWIR
05/22/19 [imagej-elphel][gpu] by AndreyFilippov: log level for images list
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
log level for images list
log level for images list
05/22/19 [imagej-elphel][gpu] by AndreyFilippov: added "ignore" notice: 'File has length 0 and may be corrupt' - caused by bioformat reading memory file
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
added "ignore" notice: 'File has length 0 and may be corrupt' - caused by bioformat reading memory file
added "ignore" notice: 'File has length 0 and may be corrupt' - caused by bioformat reading memory file
05/22/19 [imagej-elphel][gpu] by AndreyFilippov: Switched to bioformats 6.1.0 jar (minimal needed), set logging
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Switched to bioformats 6.1.0 jar (minimal needed), set logging
Switched to bioformats 6.1.0 jar (minimal needed), set logging
05/22/19 [linux-elphel][master-next] by AndreyFilippov: troubleshooting initialization
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
troubleshooting initialization
troubleshooting initialization
05/22/19 [imagej-elphel][gpu] by AndreyFilippov: Tested telemetry, added ffc calibration before each image set
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Tested telemetry, added ffc calibration before each image set
Tested telemetry, added ffc calibration before each image set
05/21/19 [meta-elphel393][rocko] by Oleg Dzhimiev: removed looping through dtses
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
removed looping through dtses
removed looping through dtses
05/21/19 [meta-elphel393][rocko] by Oleg Dzhimiev: fixed copying the device tree
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
fixed copying the device tree
fixed copying the device tree
05/21/19 [linux-elphel][rocko] by AndreyFilippov: working on lepton3.5
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
working on lepton3.5
working on lepton3.5
05/21/19 [x393][lwir] by AndreyFilippov: fixed SFE detection in vospi mode - added pullup. v. 03930139
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
fixed SFE detection in vospi mode - added pullup. v. 03930139
fixed SFE detection in vospi mode - added pullup. v. 03930139
05/21/19 [elphel-web-393][rocko] by AndreyFilippov: Fixed old bug, extended help mesasge
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Fixed old bug, extended help mesasge
Fixed old bug, extended help mesasge
05/20/19 [imagej-elphel][lwir] by AndreyFilippov: Implementing telemetry data for Letnon 3.5
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Implementing telemetry data for Letnon 3.5
Implementing telemetry data for Letnon 3.5