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Updated: 33 min 55 sec ago

03/16/16 [x393][parallel-sensors] by Andrey Filippov: merged with the chnages in x393_sata project

Wed, 03/16/2016 - 17:49
Andrey Filippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
merged with the chnages in x393_sata project

03/16/16 [x393][master] by Andrey Filippov: removed ignoring *.pickle files with memory calibration data

Wed, 03/16/2016 - 17:47
Andrey Filippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
removed ignoring *.pickle files with memory calibration data

03/16/16 [x393_sata][master-next] by Andrey Filippov: conditional bitstream load as it is now part of the x393 project

Wed, 03/16/2016 - 17:45
Andrey Filippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
conditional bitstream load as it is now part of the x393 project

03/16/16 [linux-elphel][jtag] by Oleg Dzhimiev: fixed halt when flash chip is not there

Wed, 03/16/2016 - 16:16
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
fixed halt when flash chip is not there

03/16/16 [x393][parallel-sensors] by Andrey Filippov: implemented with SATA, 83.28% slices

Wed, 03/16/2016 - 13:59
Andrey Filippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
implemented with SATA, 83.28% slices

03/16/16 [x393][serial-sensors] by Andrey Filippov: timing constraints to just SATA controller w/o the common ones

Wed, 03/16/2016 - 13:58
Andrey Filippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
timing constraints to just SATA controller w/o the common ones

03/16/16 [x393][plus_sata] by Andrey Filippov: added x393_sata project

Wed, 03/16/2016 - 11:44
Andrey Filippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
added x393_sata project

03/16/16 [x393][plus_sata] by Andrey Filippov: added files copied from x393_sata

Wed, 03/16/2016 - 11:43
Andrey Filippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
added files copied from x393_sata

03/16/16 [x393][master] by Andrey Filippov: added script to copy selected files from x393_sata

Wed, 03/16/2016 - 11:42
Andrey Filippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
added script to copy selected files from x393_sata

03/16/16 [linux-elphel][jtag] by Oleg Dzhimiev: otp write to predefined page offset

Wed, 03/16/2016 - 01:52
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
otp write to predefined page offset

03/16/16 [linux-elphel][jtag] by Oleg Dzhimiev: init for mac vars

Wed, 03/16/2016 - 01:21
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
init for mac vars

03/16/16 [linux-elphel][circbuf] by Oleg Dzhimiev: removed unsused vars

Wed, 03/16/2016 - 01:09
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
removed unsused vars

03/16/16 [x393_sata][master] by Andrey Filippov: updated to x393 project modifications

Wed, 03/16/2016 - 00:56
Andrey Filippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
updated to x393 project modifications

03/16/16 [x393][framepars] by Andrey Filippov: another samll set of simulation signals

Wed, 03/16/2016 - 00:55
Andrey Filippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
another samll set of simulation signals

03/16/16 [x393][plus_sata] by Andrey Filippov: fixed axi simulation modules, added IRQ support

Wed, 03/16/2016 - 00:54
Andrey Filippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
fixed axi simulation modules, added IRQ support

03/16/16 [linux-elphel][master] by Oleg Dzhimiev: 1. update MAC in device tree 2. moved network driver to the end of the Makefile

Wed, 03/16/2016 - 00:46
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
1. update MAC in device tree 2. moved network driver to the end of the Makefile

03/15/16 [linux-elphel][master-next] by Oleg Dzhimiev: for cleanup

Tue, 03/15/2016 - 18:53
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
for cleanup

03/15/16 [meta-elphel393][framepars] by Oleg Dzhimiev: 1.set override MAC 2.ATAGs off?

Tue, 03/15/2016 - 18:52
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
1.set override MAC 2.ATAGs off?

03/15/16 [vdt-plugin][master] by Andrey Filippov: Update

Tue, 03/15/2016 - 16:05
Andrey Filippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :

03/15/16 [vdt-plugin][master] by Andrey Filippov: Update

Tue, 03/15/2016 - 16:02
Andrey Filippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
