09/09/16 [linux-elphel][jtag] by Mikhail Karpenko: Move ahci command structure declaration to uapi directory
Mikhail Karpenko committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Move ahci command structure declaration to uapi directory
Move ahci command structure declaration to uapi directory
09/09/16 [elphel-apps-camogm][master] by Mikhail Karpenko: Move command structure declaration to uapi directory
Mikhail Karpenko committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Move command structure declaration to uapi directory
Move command structure declaration to uapi directory
09/09/16 [elphel-apps-camogm][master-initial] by Mikhail Karpenko: Move command structure declaration to uapi directory
Mikhail Karpenko committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Move command structure declaration to uapi directory
Move command structure declaration to uapi directory
09/09/16 [x393][framepars] by AndreyFilippov: debugging histograms (debug code will be removed at next commit)
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
debugging histograms (debug code will be removed at next commit)
debugging histograms (debug code will be removed at next commit)
09/09/16 [x393][framepars] by AndreyFilippov: debugging histograms (debug code will be removed at next commit)
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
debugging histograms (debug code will be removed at next commit)
debugging histograms (debug code will be removed at next commit)
09/08/16 [elphel-apps-camogm][master] by Mikhail Karpenko: Write driver commands to sysfs
Mikhail Karpenko committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Write driver commands to sysfs
Write driver commands to sysfs
09/08/16 [elphel-apps-camogm][master-initial] by Mikhail Karpenko: Write driver commands to sysfs
Mikhail Karpenko committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Write driver commands to sysfs
Write driver commands to sysfs
09/08/16 [debugfs-webgui][master] by Oleg K Dzhimiev: Update README.md
Oleg K Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Update README.md
Update README.md
09/08/16 [debugfs-webgui][master] by Oleg K Dzhimiev: Update README.md
Oleg K Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Update README.md
Update README.md
09/08/16 [debugfs-webgui][master] by Oleg Dzhimiev: license headers
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
license headers
license headers
09/08/16 [debugfs-webgui][master] by Oleg Dzhimiev: license headers
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
license headers
license headers
09/08/16 [debugfs-webgui][master] by Oleg K Dzhimiev: Update README.md
Oleg K Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Update README.md
Update README.md
09/08/16 [debugfs-webgui][master] by Oleg K Dzhimiev: Update README.md
Oleg K Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Update README.md
Update README.md
09/08/16 [debugfs-webgui][master] by Oleg K Dzhimiev: Update README.md
Oleg K Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Update README.md
Update README.md
09/08/16 [debugfs-webgui][master] by Oleg K Dzhimiev: Update README.md
Oleg K Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Update README.md
Update README.md
09/08/16 [linux-elphel][framepars] by Mikhail Karpenko: Remove debug functions and excessive output
Mikhail Karpenko committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Remove debug functions and excessive output
Remove debug functions and excessive output
09/08/16 [linux-elphel][jtag] by Mikhail Karpenko: Remove debug functions and excessive output
Mikhail Karpenko committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Remove debug functions and excessive output
Remove debug functions and excessive output
09/07/16 [elphel-apps-imgsrv][master] by AndreyFilippov: added external tool
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
added external tool
added external tool
09/07/16 [elphel-apps-imgsrv][master] by AndreyFilippov: added external tool
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
added external tool
added external tool
09/07/16 [linux-elphel][master-initial] by Mikhail Karpenko: Move IRQ processing to tasklet, use single flag for disk access
Mikhail Karpenko committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Move IRQ processing to tasklet, use single flag for disk access
Move IRQ processing to tasklet, use single flag for disk access