09/21/16 [x393][framepars] by AndreyFilippov: version 0xba, fixed introduced bug
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
version 0xba, fixed introduced bug
version 0xba, fixed introduced bug
09/21/16 [x393][framepars] by AndreyFilippov: version 0xba, fixed introduced bug
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
version 0xba, fixed introduced bug
version 0xba, fixed introduced bug
09/21/16 [elphel-apps-camogm][master] by Mikhail Karpenko: Update live preview in gui
Mikhail Karpenko committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Update live preview in gui
Update live preview in gui
09/21/16 [elphel-apps-camogm][] by Mikhail Karpenko: Update live preview in gui
Mikhail Karpenko committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Update live preview in gui
Update live preview in gui
09/21/16 [elphel-init][master] by Oleg Dzhimiev: +switches
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
09/21/16 [elphel-init][master] by Oleg Dzhimiev: +switches
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
09/21/16 [elphel-init][framepars] by AndreyFilippov: debug version of init
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
debug version of init
debug version of init
09/21/16 [elphel-init][master] by AndreyFilippov: debug version of init
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
debug version of init
debug version of init
09/21/16 [linux-elphel][master] by AndreyFilippov: Merge branch 'framepars'
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Merge branch 'framepars'
Merge branch 'framepars'
09/21/16 [linux-elphel][master] by AndreyFilippov: Merge branch 'framepars'
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Merge branch 'framepars'
Merge branch 'framepars'
09/21/16 [linux-elphel][master] by AndreyFilippov: improved switching trigger modes
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
improved switching trigger modes
improved switching trigger modes
09/21/16 [linux-elphel][framepars] by AndreyFilippov: improved switching trigger modes
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
improved switching trigger modes
improved switching trigger modes
09/21/16 [elphel-web-393][master] by AndreyFilippov: added sensor port to be passed from tyhe default page
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
added sensor port to be passed from tyhe default page
added sensor port to be passed from tyhe default page
09/21/16 [elphel-web-393][master] by AndreyFilippov: added sensor port to be passed from tyhe default page
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
added sensor port to be passed from tyhe default page
added sensor port to be passed from tyhe default page
09/21/16 [elphel-web-393][master] by AndreyFilippov: changed default 'ahead', modified delay for P_TRIG
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
changed default 'ahead', modified delay for P_TRIG
changed default 'ahead', modified delay for P_TRIG
09/21/16 [elphel-web-393][master] by AndreyFilippov: changed default 'ahead', modified delay for P_TRIG
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
changed default 'ahead', modified delay for P_TRIG
changed default 'ahead', modified delay for P_TRIG
09/21/16 [elphel-apps-camogm][master] by Mikhail Karpenko: Organize status info in gui in table format
Mikhail Karpenko committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Organize status info in gui in table format
Organize status info in gui in table format
09/21/16 [elphel-apps-camogm][] by Mikhail Karpenko: Organize status info in gui in table format
Mikhail Karpenko committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Organize status info in gui in table format
Organize status info in gui in table format
09/21/16 [x393][dct] by AndreyFilippov: merged with framepars branch
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
merged with framepars branch
merged with framepars branch
09/21/16 [x393][master] by AndreyFilippov: merged with framepars branch
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
merged with framepars branch
merged with framepars branch