05/01/17 [eyesis4pi-393-gui][master] by Oleg Dzhimiev: -2 buttons
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
-2 buttons
-2 buttons
05/01/17 [eyesis4pi-393-gui][master] by Oleg Dzhimiev: new defaults
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
new defaults
new defaults
05/01/17 [imagej-elphel][master] by AndreyFilippov: generating multi-leaf tile surfaces
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
generating multi-leaf tile surfaces
generating multi-leaf tile surfaces
04/30/17 [imagej-elphel][master] by AndreyFilippov: some bugs fixed
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
some bugs fixed
some bugs fixed
04/29/17 [imagej-elphel][master] by AndreyFilippov: debugging ndew code
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
debugging ndew code
debugging ndew code
04/28/17 [elphel-init][] by Oleg Dzhimiev: comments
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
04/28/17 [elphel-web-393][] by Oleg Dzhimiev: +ip:
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
04/28/17 [elphel-web-393][] by Oleg Dzhimiev: quicker JP4 previews
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
quicker JP4 previews
quicker JP4 previews
04/28/17 [elphel-apps-camogm][] by Mikhail Karpenko: Fix error with crossing disk boundary
Mikhail Karpenko committed changes to the Elphel git project :
Fix error with crossing disk boundary
Fix error with crossing disk boundary
04/27/17 [imagej-elphel][master] by AndreyFilippov: added more code to debug
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
added more code to debug
added more code to debug
04/27/17 [eyesis4pi-393-gui][master] by Oleg Dzhimiev: update interval to 10s
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
update interval to 10s
update interval to 10s
04/26/17 [eyesis4pi-393-gui][master] by Oleg Dzhimiev: status interval = 1/fps
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
status interval = 1/fps
status interval = 1/fps
04/25/17 [imagej-elphel][master] by AndreyFilippov: redesigning shell extraction
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
redesigning shell extraction
redesigning shell extraction
04/24/17 [eyesis4pi-393-panorama-previewer][master] by Oleg Dzhimiev: fixed a bug with routes switching
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
fixed a bug with routes switching
fixed a bug with routes switching
04/24/17 [imagej-elphel][master] by AndreyFilippov: more on initial planes extraction
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
more on initial planes extraction
more on initial planes extraction
04/23/17 [imagej-elphel][master] by AndreyFilippov: debugging histograms for tilted disparity
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
debugging histograms for tilted disparity
debugging histograms for tilted disparity
04/23/17 [imagej-elphel][master] by AndreyFilippov: initial extraction of predefined planes
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
initial extraction of predefined planes
initial extraction of predefined planes
04/22/17 [imagej-elphel][master] by AndreyFilippov: improving initial plane detection
AndreyFilippov committed changes to the Elphel git project :
improving initial plane detection
improving initial plane detection
04/21/17 [eyesis4pi-393-gui][master] by Oleg Dzhimiev: quicker preview
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
quicker preview
quicker preview
04/21/17 [eyesis4pi-393-panorama-previewer][master] by Oleg Dzhimiev: quicker preview
Oleg Dzhimiev committed changes to the Elphel git project :
quicker preview
quicker preview